Turtle dove by aurore vegas
A mural created as part of YOUR BIRDS, OUR BIRDS. During the summer camp ‘De Grote Queeste’, in July 2022, endangered birds were presented to young people from Brussels by the association for the protection of animals.
Aurore Vegas
Originally from Bordeaux, France, she has been living in Brussels since 2006, after attending the ESA Saint Luc to study comics.
She creates images for the press and publishing, collaborates on online participative comic projects, pursues her personal graphic storytelling projects, and paints all the walls she is offered.
In her artistic work, Aurore is inspired by the forms of nature and the sensations it provokes, and focuses on the representation of situations inspired by everyday life and its strangeness. With calm atmospheres that seem familiar, her images float in a torpor, as if suspended in an immobile temporality.

During the vibrant summer camp ‘De Grote Queeste’ in July 2022, Brussels’ youth were immersed in an engaging encounter with endangered bird species.
Among them, the northern wheatear and the turtle dove captured the imaginations of the children, igniting their enthusiasm and passion for wildlife conservation. In a remarkable collaborative effort, their fervor culminated in the creation of a captivating mural titled “Turtle Dove,” brought to life by Brussels-based illustrator, comic book writer, and fresco artist, Aurore Vegas.
In this unique project, the voices and creativity of the children played a central role. Encouraged by the Animal Protection Association (‘Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen vzw’), the participants actively co-created the mural’s concept and design choices alongside Aurore Vegas. Inspired by the captivating forms of nature and the children’s vivid imaginations, Aurore translated their collective vision onto the walls of Kaaitheater’s new location in Brussels, bringing the endangered turtle dove to life through art.
The mural, realized by Aurore Vegas, is the result of the collective efforts of a diverse group of participants from the summer camp ‘De Grote Queeste’ held at GC De Kriekelaar. Oussama, Riad, Mathis, Abdessamad, Maryam, Gabrielle, Sven, Glen, Greg, Loukaina, Zeynabou, llhan, Kenan, Aya, Susannah, Ekrem, Sinem Isra, Mohamed Amin, Noor, Arwa, and Jouri all contributed their creativity to the drawings and collages that formed the basis of the mural’s design.
This collaborative artwork celebrates the beauty of the turtle dove, a species facing significant challenges due to habitat loss and other factors. It serves as a powerful testament to the commitment and passion of the children, inspiring the local community to appreciate and protect endangered birds.
With the support of Kaaitheater / Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen vzw / GC De Kriekelaar / Vlaamse Overheid / Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie

ACT “Your Birds, Our Birds” Campaign
The ‘Your Birds, Our Birds’ campaign was launched at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille in September 2021. To spread the impact of this initiative across Europe, ACT has inaugurated the launch of its campaign by inviting all network partners to call upon their local communities of artists, scientists and civic organizations to propose murals of endangered birds. Inspired by the mural by the artist Fikos, in Marseille, implemented by COAL, partner of the ACT network, on the occasion of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, the partners of the network are to propose their mural project.
